Do you have any New Year Resolutions?
New Year Resolutions come and go but they shouldn’t. After all, a resolution is defined as a statement that solves the problem or at least explains how to solve the problem.
We all have problems. And they don’t easily go away until we do something about them.
This year, I’m focusing on two resolutions that are feasible and measurable.
1st Resolution: be physically fit and active. Due to NaNoWriMo and the twins, I haven’t been to the gym in over 3 months. Sadly, I lost weight. To most folks, that may seem like a good thing but I’m blessed/cursed with a fast metabolism. If I don’t exercise, I lose appetite and suffer debilitating weight loss. Ultimately, I get sick and remain weak until I start exercising again. Some people live to eat. I’m one of those ‘involuntary anorexic’ folks who eat to live – maybe I have lame taste buds but I never crave food. And the only way for me to eat healthy and naturally is to be more physically active.
I’ve made a commitment to exercise at least four times a week with 1-hour sessions.
2nd Resolution: remain diligent in my creative projects. I’m diluted by several passions. Rather than be nitpicky as to which project to pursue, I figure dedicating consistent time and frequency to making my dreams a reality will empower me with discipline and tangible results. That basically means less time playing video games or hanging out on Facebook. I’m expecting most of my focus will revolve around my novel this year but occasionally, I’ll be taking a break to pursue graphic designs and video productions.
I’ve made a commitment to engage in creative projects at least three times a week with 2-hour sessions.
Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions? If so, I recommend you write them down. It helps to put thought into words. Perhaps these words may be the public declaration you need to yield the actions you desire.
Happy New Year!