Freedom is never permanent. It must be cultivated, maintained, protected. ~ Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven life
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Congratulations, Jerry!
So happy for one of my dearest friends, Jerry Shen. I’ve seen him grow and develop his mobile app from concept, to execution, to mild success… to amazing success. And through it all, he’s been focused on the most important things in life: God, family, friends and making a positive impact on others. It’s an interesting […]
Read MoreScary, Desperate, Happy Friday
Edit: As of March 2015, I am no longer employed by VMware.
I will never forget the horror, desperation and gratitude I felt this Friday afternoon. Thank the Lord for guiding me through it all.
What am I talking about? My first emergency medical experience at VMware.
Read MoreOne Christian Perspective on Gay Marriage
As a Christian, what do you think of marriage equality? I’ll be honest. I voted for Prop 8 back in the day. It was not an easy decision. And I deeply regret it. Today, I’m happy that all my friends now have the legal power to marry the person they love. Reasoning: To me, there […]
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